I had a moment in Reno. It was unexpected and clear. The TLDR: This Coffee Shop slaps. The long of the short is I had two hours to burn while traveling in northern Nevada. I spent the bulk of that time at this wonderful shop located in rural Reno. I popped in off the street and needed a quick pick me up. I ordered an Americano and started to soak in the atmosphere.
The Temperate of the street in November was brisk but not unbearable. Magpie was warm and inviting. The morning light was pouring through filling the space with a natural beauty. The smell of freshly roasted coffee lingered just inside the walls. As you look towards the back of the shop you see a glass garage door which one would open during a roasting session. Sharing with the neighborhood the incredible sent of fresh beans.
The staff consisted of one barista and another ducking in and out of sight tending to the dozen or so patrons. The huge expansive counter that ran vertically through the space was intimate. The concrete surface held onto the ambient heat and almost warmed the cups as they sat steaming on the counter.
The conversation was alive. I was trying to focus on a book that I had been reading and I kept getting sucked into small stories and the ambitions of people like you and me. 4 young men were talking about a college friend they had and how they missed his company. The group retold years of laughter and gave insights to the comings and goings of their distant pal.
After 15 minutes or so I got the hankering to taste something special. I picked the brain of the Barista behind the counter. He was friendly and fed my curiosity with his recommendations. He actually let me try two different pour overs so I could see the difference. It was ironic because the one he suggested was indeed better but my preloaded conception drove me to order another. I was starting to feel that pick me up. My senses sharpened and my mind focused.
Photo Courtesy of Erik Edney
The overall feeling was comfort. I felt good and the place I was in gave me the sense that this is were I could remain. This my friends is a hard thing to do (for me at least). I usually get impatient and live to wander. My ADHD sometimes elicits a divine directive to move out. So when I get the feeling of home in a strange place I always try to glean why.
What about this Café was great? The coffee was certifiably good. The staff was all well and good but what really stood out was the other people. As I scanned the room I saw a similar expression in their body languages. They were disarmed, relaxed and happy. It could of been the abundance of light from the frontage or the subdued music, but the overall ambiance was warm and welcoming.
For this I tip my hat. Easy to try but incredibly hard to execute.