Costa Rican Beans are at the forefront of excellence. The climate, terrain, soil and altitude make it one of the most ideal growing locations for Coffee in the world. In 1989 the Costa Rican government made it illegal for coffee plantations to grow anything other than Arabica coffee plants. This legislation set the stage for this small central American country to shine on the world coffee stage.
There are essentially 8 separate growing regions outlined below. These areas all represent high quality harvests but are distinct in their outcomes. With that being said, we will be taking a deeper dive into the northern region of Guanacaste. It is here where I had the opportunity to explore the mountain regions and dissect the gourmet coffee of Costa Rica.
First and Foremost the beans I examined were on another level. The size and color of these plants were incredible. Unlike Kona, HI or the Northern Regions of Vietnam farmers around this area let the coffee plants get to a much larger size. Some varieties I encountered were over 15 feet tall and pruned less intrusively. By approaching the coffee in this way the farmers can see a larger yield from a single plant but must reduce the quantity of total plants.
“The sheer size and fullness of the cherries was quite remarkable”
So it’s no mystery that the bean within the yield tended to be on the larger size. Also of note, the general lack of pea berry selections. I followed up on two different occasions to inquire if some of these farms offered these little mutants, However I failed to locate any of consistent quality.
Costa Rica pound for pound has incredible coffee beans. The country has a strict no spray approach to agriculture. The understories of these plantations also provide countless species and biological diversity. This coupled with the increase in natural insects and you see a balance. Farmers are so often trying to Min/Max crop yields without looking at the ramifications of Mono-crop, industrial herbicide, industrial pesticide and clear cutting. These short sighted approaches seek only the capitalization of the land and not the benefit to all living things.
Here in this wonderful paradise law makers and community members alike seem to have noticed. There are strict governance of natural farming initiatives imbedded in the local and national policies. When you walk through the rain forest an overwhelming beauty resonates in the air. You can feel the lush growth and vibrancy.