
The smaller the better, Deseo A Coffee Shack

Working and living in Phoenix, Arizona has its pro’s and con’s. If you go outside in the summer you will melt. However, our winters are so subtle you could hardly call it a season. For me though the most challenging aspect is the constant commute. The city is gigantic. I am shackled to my steering wheel everyday and I’m forced to ponder my existence.

There is a side effect though. The transit allows me to traverse my world and creates discoveries. These lead to new thoughts, memories and help establish a new baseline of thinking. The more this evolution occurs the better. With each data point I am able to make better evaluations and predictions which hopefully lead to a fuller life.

Deseo is a symptom of that commute. I discovered this bite sized café months ago along my route to work. This expensive little coffee house has proven to provide me with sound focus. I lean on its warmth recently and see it as a treat to myself for all the hard work I put in. This locally owned and operated shop begs for you to stay inside its small and wonderfully decorated interior. The lack of space is not a turn off but rather an intimacy. It feels safe. It smells great and the whirling sound of espresso machines and music fills me with happiness.

If you are in the area feel free to explore this tiny affair. You won’t regret the drinks.



Portland Trip

I recently got back from a small vacation to Portland Oregon. If you don’t know I am originally from the Northwest. As such this environment makes me feel collected and whole. The lush forest, rivers and ocean stoke a particular fire within my soul. This city in particular has fostered some of the greatest avenues in the Coffee scene.

I had such an amazing time with friends and family. The stories retold, the memories created and even those remembered just help to center and reaffirm my core values. I had the opportunity to check out the Multnomah Arts Center (Multnomah Arts Center – Community Arts Education in Portland, OR) and I was blown away by the art created by these community members. The loom weaving was breath taking.

For those people who help create a warm place to stay. Thank you.


Addition by addition


Good Morning,

I continue to document my travels and share my passion of coffee on this site. Recently however I have been spending a lot of energy and time outside and in the soil. Over the past few years this small hobby has crept into the center of my life. I have found that growing food, sowing seeds and fostering these plants is intrinsically rewarding. Gardening for me feels therapeutic. So what I want to do is carve out a portion of my time to dedicating webspace. My passion and purpose to Lazy Drifter has been to provide insight, inspiration and information for those who are keen and interested in the same endeavors. As I evolve hopefully this place does too.

So with that being said I look forward to sharing this new chapter and welcome feedback and comments from my audience.

Travel Mode Engaged

With the new addition to our family, the calendar has been a bit barren. We just have not had the energy or time to focus on traveling to new destinations. However, now that our Daughter is growing and able to survive without constant attention we are starting to once again explore new parts of our world. 

I have completed a trip to Washington State and the Olympic National Rain Forest. I will be completing the VOD and uploading it to Youtube within the week! This was a great bonding and learning experience. Why you ask? Well I go into some detail within the Video so stay tuned. 

We would also like to head to the Windy City in the near future. Some close family friends have relocated to the lakeside city and we want to make sure and take the opportunity to explore this part of Illinois. 

Austin, TX may also be in the works depending on our work schedules. 

Anyhoo I look forward to sharing more of our travels and hopefully you do too.


We are about to have a new Drifter!

Melissa and I are in love and as such a baby has been created. We are excited for our new addition to the crew and I cannot wait to travel and share my experierences with her.



A Cup to Nowhere

A close colleague and I are starting a new coffee blog. This isn't going to be a standard info centered parade. Rather we wanted to just open our veins and let it spill out. Super organic and hopefully people will get to peer into our fascinating conversations as we share a cup-a-joe. The first addition will be hot off the press later this week! Think part coffee critic part bonding


Long Beach, CA

I will be working on this Video entry for the next couple of months. Depending on my schedule and the Shots I am able to get over the next few trips to the California Coast. I hope you enjoy it!

God save the Queen

God save the Queen

Finished K-Town

I Had a lot of fun with this Vod. hope you enjoy it! If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to hit me up. The more I brainstorm I would like to do a series about all the water recreation areas near Dallas sometime in the future. We’ll see!

Big Changes

So a lot has changed in the last few months. I have Moved from Houston, TX and into my home in Phoenix, AZ. I also began working for a new company here in the Valley. Both of which has been keeping me very busy. I strive to maintain my content production and I have a couple projects currently in the works. Travel as of right now will be restricted due to allotted leave



Vods Rolling out!

My first couple spitfire Travel Tip Videos are starting to roll out through the pipeline. My skills as a videographer and editor are being pushed to the max. I am a novice for sure... but I am super passionate about doing these. So join me and follow along as I continue to improve at this. Maybe I can inspire the drifter inside you?

My Youtube link can be found at the bottom of the page. Thanks!

Like a fire spreading in my heart...this passion has begun to change who I once was. I still am me... but a different sort of fellow I suppose. Some good, some bad
— Me'

New Orleans: Halloween in the works!

We shall be trek'n to the Bayou for hallows eve this year. Suggestions and Recommendations welcome. Hold on to your's about to get weird.