With the new addition to our family, the calendar has been a bit barren. We just have not had the energy or time to focus on traveling to new destinations. However, now that our Daughter is growing and able to survive without constant attention we are starting to once again explore new parts of our world. 

I have completed a trip to Washington State and the Olympic National Rain Forest. I will be completing the VOD and uploading it to Youtube within the week! This was a great bonding and learning experience. Why you ask? Well I go into some detail within the Video so stay tuned. 

We would also like to head to the Windy City in the near future. Some close family friends have relocated to the lakeside city and we want to make sure and take the opportunity to explore this part of Illinois. 

Austin, TX may also be in the works depending on our work schedules. 

Anyhoo I look forward to sharing more of our travels and hopefully you do too.
