I took a medium roast blend they recommended with delight. The price was affordable but this in my opinion was not a Medium. The color was dark but the flavors were upfront and in your face. Then after a quick minute the caffeine hit and oh my did it. The level of eye popping rush was next level. I noticed my dialouge with my brother quickening and before long I sounded more like a crackhead and less like a gentile.
Nashville has for awhile now been an up and coming concentration of talent and vibrancy. The Music city center of the U.S. is starting to attract some of our brightest and most talented youth. The City has a fantastic locale just off the river and overlooking the hillsides. I have been hearing so much about this City My Wife and I decided to visit my brother and make a trip of it.
I got the chance to visit several Cafes while I was here but by and far above the best was Cafe Crema.
I really liked the simple and clean layout of Crema Coffee in Nashville TN
The Hipster vibe here is strong however they don't press the heavy elitism or arrogance of say a San Francisco haven. The prices are cheap here in the Tennessee. I think a regular cup of coffee here cost me around 2.65 and the cold brew that Jon Jon ordered was a reasonable 3.15. This in my opinion is right in my wheel house. They roast all their offerings in house and a quick to offer tastings or samples for first timers. The real glasses and stereotypical coffee mugs are all part of the charm. The overall feeling here is relaxed and chill. The aroma was warm, inviting and several locals were working on various work tasks in the background.
This medium blend in your face supercharged Latin American roast was pleasant and matched nicely with a morning scone.
Jon Jon enjoyed a nice cold brew. The temps were in the 80's so after a full day of walking the Cold brew helped cool him down and add a little pep in his step.
This spot didn't offer a full bodied dark roast to my dismay. How can you consider yourself a coffee house without half the genre of coffee? Well whomever is calling the shots here has something special. The spot is ideal, the layout is clean and the coffee is good. Overall I would score it a A-
Nestled just along the southern hillside Cafe Crema gives its patrons quite the view. I would love the see the snow from this patio.